Tuesday, December 22, 2009


November 30 Joel and I signed the official adoption resolution. What an amazing feeling. After over a year of waiting and so many difficult trials and wonderful blessings it became official. We had help in getting their new birth certificates ready in just 2 days (with Hanson as their last name and a few middle name changes) and we all boarded a bus and headed to Lima to complete the final paperwork on the visas with the U.S. Embassy.
The 2 story bus was a long awaited adventure - comfy seats, snacks and several movies. The adventure got better when the bus broke down at 2 in the morning and we waited for almost 3 hours while it was being repaired.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Saying Goodbye to the Orphanage

Our four older children have spent the last five years living at Hogar de Esperanza. When Zuleice was just over a year, she joined her other brothers and sisters. In saying that, this has been the place they have called home for most of their lives. I had also learned, once again, to call the orphanage home. The children, staff and new volunteer friends have become very close to my heart. Needless to say, leaving was difficult for all of us. A few days before we had to say good-bye, Joel and I hosted a going away bonfire for the kids, workers and volunteers. A christian Peruvian folk band, called Moyapampa, livened things up with music and games. It was a wonderful night of fun and laughter with a ton of sticky fingers from making smores.

A week at the orphanage

After Joel's arrival , we spent a week staying at the orphanage reconnecting with friends and children. We began the final process of the adoption and had 10 days to prove we were able to be parents. Here's a few pics of our parenting skills -

Joel arrives in Peru

Monday, November 16, Joel finally flew to Lima, Peru. I took an 8 hour bus ride from Trujillo to pick him up at the airport around midnight. After 6 months of being seperated, a few tears were shed and I believe we actually missed eachother! Tuesday was spent visiting MIMDES (who handles adoptions in Peru,) talking with our lawyers, and then we flew to Trujillo, where 5 little ones were waiting to see their Papi for the first time in over a year.