No, we're not making a swimming pool for the kids. Here I (Joel) am with Elias and the visiting dog, Sam. We're actually making a concrete cover for a well. Originally, it was just covered with wood, but not heavy enough to make it child safe. Thus the concrete cover underneath would be a bit safer. We actually made a form in the sand. Then we made the concrete out of concrete mix, sand, gravel, and rocks. It was a little more complex than in the U.S. Then we put the concrete into the form. Two days later we moved it in place. It took four of us to pick it up and roll it... that was the hardest part.
I've also learned how to make window screens, the Peruvian way. I made one all by myself for a storage closet Robyn is in charge of. Yes, my first carpentry project. Last week, we demolished a concrete, brick, and tile wall. It took three whole days and it totally wore me out, especially because I was fighting bronchitas. I'm getting better each day and after taking some meds, I'm almost over it. Next we're making that room into another storage closet. That will involve some painting, building shelves, organizing, etc. I've also been working in several rooms trying to remove some mold in spots, a constant fight with all the humidity, and I could actually paint year round.