At this point, I can't write too many details - so the updates will be lacking a bit. However, I can say that I arrived at the orphanage the first day of July. Visiting with the new volunteers, laughing with the staff and hugging all the children has been wonderful - feels like home. I hugged a few very special children - who waited up for me the night I arrived. It was so hard to say goodnight and go to our separate rooms.
There's been another back up with the adoption process. Peru's official government office that handles adoptions has a new director and new staff. They have asked for, yet, another document. Our social worker and agency is working hard to get the document prepared and send it through the tedious legalization process. This just means another 2 week delay... and more waiting. Even though I am here, the waiting is still hard. Now we want Joel here and we want the process to go quickly so the children can start school on time. Every step is one step closer, but somehow it still feels a million steps away.